Hello and ty all who made the efforts to keep this game alive .
I want to start by saying that i was thrilled when i found out that other people really cares about this game and didnt wanted to see it forgotten . Im really glad people with love for this game and who have the founds try to bring back this epic game and for that i applaud you all .
I started playing hellgate global . I played it since tokyo and played it for 2 years or so until it closed .
Now for the main reason that i started this topic . I got some feedbacks / ideas / concerns .
The main goal for me starting this thread was something that bugged my head for a while when i was playing global :
Why does party have to be so much rewarding then actually farming solo and ill start by giving some examples :
If i get into a party i get my drop boosted meaning in a party of 5 people i will get x2-x3 times the reward but the problem is that drop is individual so if i make a party of 5 people and farm molly for example each bringing 5 heads sets each a total of 25 runs per party seems alot imbalanced then for a player that decide to kill it himself .
1 person - 5 heads sets - 5 x 1 drop ( solo ) = 5
1 person - 25 heads sets in party - 5 x 5 ( heads ) x 2 ( drop party boost ) = 50 . 50 x 5 players = 250 .
This advantages the party alot and here comes the problem . If u are not in a good guild or with some friends ur stuck waiting for random parties and even tho u might get into a guild eventually people will search for just the right class needed for the boss fight .
This happened alot also back in Global Hellgate time . You cant play what class u like or with what kind of items u like because u wont get invited into end game parties and even tho u play the right class like a marksman for example for dps class … you will get invited if u are geared and play in sniper skill but will u get invited if u play rapid fire or tactical stance ? dont think so .
So to get to my point … no game has a boost drop increased in party if the drop its individual … its decreased if its individual because with party of 5 … the boss is lets say x2 -x3 times harder to kill so in the end you kill it faster cuz of the number of people . Either make the drop in party x3 times but for the hole party or individual loot with penalty or at least no boost from party .
The second thing i wanted to talk about its the nano forge . It doesnt cost palladium … it costs xp . I think thats a bad thing . The palladium should be added because it will make the game better . Why you ask ? Because in the end game not only augumenting an item should be required for palladium . That will make people keep alot of items instead of sell the stuff to get their item enchanted and agumented . Removing the cost of nano forge will result in people not giving a crap about palladium unless they drop like their end game item ( that he already has geared on ) and trying to agument it for something better . For me the constant need of palladium even more on end game to agument and Enchant items made this game alot more fun and to spend alot of time .
This is what my concerns area so far .
I will end by reporting something ( a bug ) that its really annoying when for example and was never been fixed . When u kill an end game boss for example oculis or the boss at the end of act five … you dont get the chance to pick up your items … you get teleported into that portal and when u come back there is no items to pick up . Happend at the end of first act to me and also at occulis .
Cheers .