I want to understand focus items and dmg. Let me explain first.
Using a gun you see clearly what the damage. You know what sfx strength you have. You know you can’t put an electric mod in a toxic gun and expect it to do shock dmg. Maybe if you add a shock strength mod to the gun it might but I’ve always been leery of trying to make a gun do what it isn’t designed to do. Now, that said.
With a foci things are different. foci doesn’t tell you what damage it does instead it says x amount of power. foci also have all sfx strengths. Not sure how power relates to damage but there must be a correlation.
Without a mod added to the foci, when you shoot it does it do all the sfx strengths? Or do I need to put an “Adds x amount of damage” to it? Because no foci I’ve seen tells you the damage like a gun. Just the sfx strengths.
When I asked in chat the consistent answer I got is - Look at the icon. If it’s Purple (which it is) then it does spec dmg. Which doesn’t make sense to me. I know with a gun the icon makes sense. Red - fire, green toxic, grey physical, purple spec. In a gun just because it has fire strengthj doesn’t mean it does fire damage. Am I right?
So my questions come down to:
- What kind of damage does an unmodded foci do?
- What is the correlation between power and damage?
- on a float over, the foci says it does x amount of damage. With a purple icon. Then inside, it has a different number. It’s called Power. Outside and inside the foci are 2 different numbers. Are either of them related to damage?
- Does the purple icon really mean it’s only doing spec damage?
Having one weapon state exactly what kinda damage it does and another using a whole different language instead of damage is confusing.
Why all the sfx strengths in a foci? Without a dmg indicator how would you know?
These may seem like newb sort of questions. I want to be a better player. I want to understand my gear. And what it is telling me. I don’t want to assume any longer. So I ask the basic questions. Thanks for any respone.