As always, this is my own personal opinions and thoughts based on my own logic
and is in no way to be seen as a demand or in any way taken as a disrecpect
to the awesome job Omerta and his team of devs are doing.
Now to the point.
After these updates we’ve seen the Carnagor go from being the best tank in the game
to an absolute monster, being able to pull insane areas of mobs like a magnet.
And at the same time we’ve seen the Guardian tank go from pretty much non-functioning
to a much better and working tank, being able to taunt bosses and pull singletargets
from far away with a singeltarget taunt.
But here is the problem, imo. We currently have a tankingpet that, by far, outshines as
class who’s main purpose is taunting and tanking. I have tried turning this in all possible
ways and directions and i still can’t come up with a way to make the guardian a better
tank than the Carnagor without either reducing the Carnagor, or … boosting the guardians
tauntrange and strenght to godlike levels.
But i would be against that as well, since i have never been a fan of overpowering classes,
i just prefer them to work “as intended” and being able to do their job.
What differs the Carnagor and the guardian atm is that the guardians taunt, alltho smaller area,
is on a much much shorter cooldown and the guardian is MOBILE during his taunts,
while the Carnagor is locked in position but that doens’t matter because… it’s area of taunt
covers so far that they don’t really need to move… anywere, during the tauntphase.
I know Omerta and his fellow devs always has things up the sleeve in terms of what’s next
for hellgate and balancing. So i’m wondering, could the guardian be made a better tank than
the Carnagor, or is he already, and i’m totally missing it ?.
As always. Eternal thanks to Omerta and his fellow devs for their hard work and
giving us the chance to enjoy this game, with a wonderful community.