Shrapnel, spectral nova, etc

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  1. Do armor parameters, such as +xx physical damage, +xx damage to demons, Lava Dye Kit (10% inc dmg), shield penetration affect spectral nova, shrapnel… I know that weapon parameters do not affect, but I did not find any information about armor.
  2. Where i can get Jugalator’s Guards? I found that Oculis can drop it on Normal difficulty, but i tried about 30 times with ~1300Luck and got 0 uniques. Previously I had an experience farming Gudy’s Two Shoes for about 50+ hours and I didnt get any of " 6 new items, 2 per faction, will be drops exclusive to the St. Paul’s Hellgate area:" So I want to know, should I try more or I just have no chance?

Good question, nobody is rly sure when it comes to novas.

But its easy to test with +xx to an element because of the minigame.
I think 10% dmg does work as well but the +damage to demons idk.
Shield pen does work for armor and dye kit.

So we can assume that armor and dye kit effects the procs.
Not sure about crit though.

Jugalator’s Guards:

Drop level range: 19 - 27
(Assumes level matches white monster level)

In stonehenge is a new level (down under) there you dont get exp from the mobs, this is intentional so you dont level and keep being the level you need to farm certain uniques.

So try your luck in down under with a templar in that req. monster level.
But it will take a while, Jugalator’s Guards are rare.

I m lucky. I found legendary demon in Cata wich was fat enough and has regen, so I made an experiment. +40% to demons and +15% phys dmg makes huge boost. Also i have a belt +dmg. I had 2 sets of vorpals with 1) shrapnel+discharge 2) phase+ignite. Guns damage is equal, so difference only in mods. Set 1 makes more damage ~2.5. Both sets get boost about 70-80% so i can say that shrapnel was boosted too, not only gun damage. I tested for 8-10 minutes, changing equipment many times. Mb I need more tests to be sure 100%, but for now i think mods was boosted by gear.
PS How much phase I need to phase or ignite (for example) Cata1 boss? I have 1600+ phase on the first Vorpal and 500phase + 850 ignite ( and +9% fire damage) on second. I wonder how other classes can easy apply sfx with more trash weapon but Vorpal with 400apm and 1600+500 phase cant.

Weapons with high apm only get a smal % of the total sfx per bullet.

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armor parameters

As you correctly noticed, stats located on armor, rings and dye kits are “global”, and therefore can affect not only weapons, but also other things such as Novas, Strikes and Prayers.

How much phase I need

There are no concrete universal values as it depends on many factors such as:

  • effective hit rate, since more hits equals to more sfx strength/resistance checks and more chances of applying sfx;
  • weapon type, since some types are better at applying sfx than others;
  • class skill kit or in other words skills that increase your effective sfx application, e.g. Multishot = x3+ bullets per shot, Elemental Vision with massive % bonus to sfx str, Elemental Beacon or Elemental drain to reduce monster’s resistances, or skills with % bonuses to sfx str like Shield Bash or 90% of Evoker offensive skills;
  • monster type and rarity, affixes, and party scaling, since all these can have influence over monster’s sfx resistances;

Jugalator’s Guards

The most efficient way is to kill as many champions or bosses per hour as possible in a specified drop level range to increase your chances. Going for boss only runs is ineffective, if in the same time you could kill a dozen of champions.

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I think I give up. This is a hard location for a lvl 26 character to farm it fast. It takes me almost an hour to clear two australias. Some bosses here die faster than mobs. In several runs I got only 5 unique items, but all of them are specific to this location.
That is, I am not even sure that anything else drops here, except for specific loot, and it takes too much time and even legendaries drop very rarely despite 1300+ luck. 150+ hours to search for pants I consider inadequate in such specific location where I can’t farm at the same time something else useful like mods or crafting resources. After 50+ hours wasted searching for boots in “St. Pauls” (out of 3 types of boots I found 0) I was completely full. But at least there was a normal drop, in Australia it is just dead.
I’ll try 5-10 more times to see if something unusual for this location drops, but I think that’s it.

As I understood from the first answer to me, my level should be 19-27, otherwise the item will stop dropping. Or is my level not important, it is enough to farm mobs lvl 19-27?

Yeah, Korosukuma gave you terribly bad advice, imo, since Australia is very inefficient for farming non-Australia exclusive uniques.

Correct, it is based on monster level, not your character’s. That’s why wiki says
Drop level range: 19 - 27
(Assumes level matches white monster level)

Which area did you farm? Church Yard doesn’t seem to be a bad place, since the champion’s density is pretty good there, at least that was the place where I farmed my boots on all 3 factions, although I did that at level 50, so it took considerably less time than if I were to attempt to do that at level ~30.

Personally, I think you’d be better off finishing campaign and getting to level 50 first, and only after that farm whatever gear pieces you need. Spending 200 hours at low level sounds to me like a straight path to burnout to be honest, but that’s just me.

All St Pauls areas. Luck 1600. I started farming on 50/32 lvl and finished at 50/50

Wait hold on, i thought Austraila had purposely removed the exp gain to farm uniques there? Is that wrong?
Or was that the intend but it turned out to suck?
If so, i had no idea, thats nice to know. I apologize for the advice then.

I think Necropolis is good place to farm Jugalators. Monster lvl 27, a lot of mobs and elites.

It was never the intent for Australia to be a place to farm random unique items. It was designed as a no exp zone due to its reward structure being divided into two tiers based on the level of monsters, which do scale with player level, yes.
Initial idea was that due to no exp players could park their characters around ~lvl36 or so to be able to farm first tier of rewards, if they chose to do so.
Australia bosses do have generic champion loot table, according to the patchnotes 1.5.6 - London 2038 , but these would still be highly inefficient for the purpose of general luck farming, as any other zone would yield incomparably more champions and would be much faster to clear.

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Oh i remember, i know now why i thought it would have been a good farming method. Thx for the clarification.

I spent several dozen hours searching, legendary items almost never drop. And I began to be tormented by doubts. Considering all the changes that happened to the Guardian, the only playable option left is with a shield throw. I already have 5 Guardians dressed approximately equally well. I kill bosses with a shield 3 times faster than with any other weapon. Bloodletter sword, Dessicator with 5 slots, Novastorm Gun, Vorpals full of mods with all sorts of novas, Vorpals full of shrapnel, all sorts of other guns and swords, dozens of experiments. And all this is not even close to the shield throw. It feels like the Guardian simply should not deal damage, or deal it in the only way. All characters are not ideal, I can strengthen each of them by about 50% more, but this will not change anything - the shield will still be 3 times stronger than everything else. The motivation to spend time for one item, which will strengthen a little better than mythic, has greatly decreased, and if you are lucky, it will strengthen the shield throw even more compared to other builds.